Friday, November 19, 2010

Re-Creation If it's not fun, you won't do it!

RePlan yourself for Success.

You have Planned your nonconscious brain proactively or reactively to exactly what you want so now you need to rePlan it so that you will automatically create the results in your life you always wanted.

Here is a scientifically proven Plan that can be done only 5 minutes a day.

Neuroplasticity simply states that your brain is always able to grow, evolve or change.  You can teach an old dog new tricks….. Guaranteed!

We have 65,000 thoughts per day.  95% of those thoughts are the same thoughts we had the previous day.  That means we are creatures of habit.  Research shows, that those who participate in a “daily” routine are many times more likely to stay on their Plan than those who participate less than seven days a week.  So we created a system that will guarantee the growth of new neuron pathways in your brain that will soon become the predominant belief and then automatically create new actions and results.  The Results you want!!!!

Right now you have habits and/or beliefs that keep you from your IDEAL life.  We need to proactively Plan it.  You will never be able to make long lasting change until you change your belief system.  This Plan starts at the seed level of creating new habits that work for you verses chiseling away at the top of the iceberg thinking you are making a difference to the whole Iceberg..

The mind takes 7 days to create a new connection in the brain.  It takes 28-32 days to create long lasting change and it takes 90 days to create a super pathway or what we call a new habit.

It is not magic but feels like it.

Follow these easy steps on a daily basis to Your Ideal Life!!

This Plan is quick and simple, just 5 minutes a day to a new you.

Dr Rob