Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Coach G - the student appears


I want to thank you for taking the time to put this together and share your experience with us....  Followers..  Enjoy this amazing story by Greg Romero.  He is prooof in the pudding process that Neural Inculcation works and it works well. 

I did a video testimonial but I figured I would type out the story for you all to read....

On November 6th I bought a plane ticket to go to this BMX event, the ABA Grand Nationals (year end final) where over 3000 unique participants congregate in Oklahoma for a very  long weekend of BMX bicycle racing. Originally, I was scheduled to go there to represent a company that I am stakeholder in, talk about product, do presentations, etc. The owner of the company wanted to know if I was interested in racing the event. I hadn't competed in over 8 months, however I do ride from time to time. I told him I would think about it, "let me ride and assess" where I am at because I will be racing the Masters Pro Class called "Veteran Pro" and there will be some very fast guys in that class. Now don't get me wrong, I have won this event several times, so I understand what it takes to do so, I am not going into an event with unrealistic goals.

So I knew if I was going to race, I needed to have a goal and to me it had to be hard, yet realistic. For a minute, my first instinctive goal was "to have fun". But then I realized that was just some lame goal to protect myself from failure. During my thought process, I rewound back to a conversation I had with Justin Kosman one day as he spoke about Dr. Rob's theories on if you believe thats the best you can do, you're not going to do any better (or something to that effect). So then I decided well, I will go for the podium and I will be very happy with that. But then I also remembered Dr Rob's dialogue with Nikol and her belief and goal system on "how much money do you want to make?",  and he said, only multi 6 figures? Why not a million? So I decided that I was going to win the event. Seriously, that is how I processed my belief and goal system for the event and here it is:

I typed this out on November 14th:
Because I am excited, in shape, and always do great, I will win the ABA Grands.
Because I am excited, in shape, and always do great, I will win the ABA Grands.
Because I am excited, in shape, and always do great, I will win the ABA Grands.
Because I am excited, in shape, and always do great, I will win the ABA Grands.
Because I am excited, in shape, and always do great, I will win the ABA Grands.
Because I am excited, in shape, and always do great, I will win the ABA Grands.
Because I am excited, in shape, and always do great, I will win the ABA Grands.
Because I am excited, in shape, and always do great, I will win the ABA Grands.
Because I am excited, in shape, and always do great, I will win the ABA Grands.
Because I am excited, in shape, and always do great, I will win the ABA Grands.

Yes that weekend was a real eye opener as I was able to get my mind right using the neural feedback techniques that I learned in an effort to keep the "inner tube" spaceship to keep flowing and going. I literally stared at a pillar near the starting gate to configure my mind to focus for the finals. So thank you guys for empowering me to do so. Also, I notice that this synergy of the belief system really came to life over the weekend event as just about anyone I encountered was encouraging, enthused and supportive of my racing, something that I really never had experienced before, it was really weird...but it was a microcosm of what is happening with my b&g below.

Dr. Rob, I found the video from the race ---->

Have a great day!

Greg Romero
2010 ABA Grand National Champion : ) LOL 

Winning the race proved to be positive energy because after the event my coaching inquiries have doubled.... Participating fueled me further of reaching my goals...

Oh, by the way, I sold over 150 DVDs over the weekend! and today I shipping over 80 units that I have pre-sold!

Because I am dedicated and enthusiastic, my income will double or triple by 1/15/11 or sooner.
Because I am dedicated and enthusiastic, my income will double or triple by 1/15/11 or sooner.