Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
Conscious Brain Time Travels, for a good reason!
Is Time Travel Real?
This is an article written by Quantum Publisher.... I found it very interesting and thought you would too...
September 21, 2010 by Quantum Publisher
Is Time Travel Real?
What are you doing when you aren’t doing anything at all? If you said “nothing,” then you just passed a test in logic, but flunked a test in neuroscience about time travel.
So what about time travel? When people perform mental tasks–adding numbers, comparing shapes, identifying faces–different areas of their brains become active, and brain scans show these active areas as brightly colored squares on an otherwise dull gray background.
But researchers have recently discovered that when these areas of our brains light up, other areas go dark. This dark network (which comprises regions in the frontal, parietal and medial temporal lobes) is off when we seem to be on, and on when we seem to be off. And this seems to be the time travel connection.
If you climbed into an MRI machine and lay there quietly, waiting for instructions from a technician, the dark network would be as active as a beehive. But the moment your instructions arrived and your task began, the bees would freeze and the network would fall silent. When we appear to be doing nothing, we are clearly doing something. But what? Time travel.
The answer, it seems, is time travel occurs naturally in our brains.
The human body moves forward in time at the rate of one second per second whether we like it or not. But the human mind can move through time in any direction and at any speed it chooses. It seems to be able to trvel forward and backward through time.
Our ability to close our eyes and imagine the pleasures of Super Bowl Sunday or remember the excesses of New Year’s Eve is a fairly recent evolutionary development, and we think our talent for doing this is unparalleled in the animal kingdom.
We are a time travel race, unfettered by chronology and capable of visiting the future or revisiting the past whenever we wish. But if our neural time travel mental machines are damaged by illness, age or accident, we may become trapped in the present. Alzheimer’s disease, for instance, specifically attacks the dark network, stranding many of its victims in an endless now, unable to remember their yesterdays or envision their tomorrows.
Why did evolution design our brains for time travel?
Perhaps it’s because an experience is a terrible thing to waste. Moving around in the world exposes organisms to danger, so as a rule they should have as few experiences as possible and learn as much from each as they can.
Although some of life’s lessons are learned in the moment (“Don’t touch a hot stove”), others become apparent only after the fact (“Now I see why she was upset. I should have said something about her new dress”). Time travel allows us to pay for an experience once, and then have it again and again – learning new lessons with each repetition. When we are busy having experiences–herding children, signing checks, battling traffic–the dark network is silent, but as soon as those experiences are over, the network is awakened, and we begin moving across the landscape of our history to see what we can learn via time travel.
Animals learn by trial and error, and the smarter they are, the fewer trials they need. Traveling backward buys us many trials for the price of one, but traveling forward allows us to dispense with trials entirely. Just as pilots practice flying in flight simulators, the rest of us practice living in life simulators, and our ability to simulate future courses of action and preview their consequences enables us to learn from mistakes without making them.
We don’t need to bake a liver cupcake to find out that it is a stunningly bad idea; simply imagining it is punishment enough. The same is true for insulting the boss and misplacing the children. We may not heed the warnings that prospection provides, but at least we aren’t surprised when we wake up with a hangover or when our waists and our inseams swap sizes.
The dark network allows us to time travel into the future, but not just any future. When we contemplate futures that don’t include us–Will the NASDAQ be up next week? Will Hillary run again?–the dark network is quiet. Only when we move time travel does it come alive.
Perhaps the most startling fact about the dark network isn’t what it does but how often it does it. Neuroscientists refer to it as the brain’s default mode, which is to say that we spend more of our time away from the present than in it.
People typically overestimate how often they are in the moment because they rarely take notice when they take leave. It is only when the environment demands our attention–a dog barks, a child cries, a telephone rings–that our mental time machines switch themselves off and deposit us with a bump in the here and now. We stay just long enough to take a message and then we slip off again to time travel to the land of Elsewhen, our dark networks awash in light.
This is an article written by Quantum Publisher.... I found it very interesting and thought you would too...
September 21, 2010 by Quantum Publisher
Is Time Travel Real?
What are you doing when you aren’t doing anything at all? If you said “nothing,” then you just passed a test in logic, but flunked a test in neuroscience about time travel.
So what about time travel? When people perform mental tasks–adding numbers, comparing shapes, identifying faces–different areas of their brains become active, and brain scans show these active areas as brightly colored squares on an otherwise dull gray background.
But researchers have recently discovered that when these areas of our brains light up, other areas go dark. This dark network (which comprises regions in the frontal, parietal and medial temporal lobes) is off when we seem to be on, and on when we seem to be off. And this seems to be the time travel connection.
If you climbed into an MRI machine and lay there quietly, waiting for instructions from a technician, the dark network would be as active as a beehive. But the moment your instructions arrived and your task began, the bees would freeze and the network would fall silent. When we appear to be doing nothing, we are clearly doing something. But what? Time travel.
The answer, it seems, is time travel occurs naturally in our brains.
The human body moves forward in time at the rate of one second per second whether we like it or not. But the human mind can move through time in any direction and at any speed it chooses. It seems to be able to trvel forward and backward through time.
Our ability to close our eyes and imagine the pleasures of Super Bowl Sunday or remember the excesses of New Year’s Eve is a fairly recent evolutionary development, and we think our talent for doing this is unparalleled in the animal kingdom.
We are a time travel race, unfettered by chronology and capable of visiting the future or revisiting the past whenever we wish. But if our neural time travel mental machines are damaged by illness, age or accident, we may become trapped in the present. Alzheimer’s disease, for instance, specifically attacks the dark network, stranding many of its victims in an endless now, unable to remember their yesterdays or envision their tomorrows.
Why did evolution design our brains for time travel?
Perhaps it’s because an experience is a terrible thing to waste. Moving around in the world exposes organisms to danger, so as a rule they should have as few experiences as possible and learn as much from each as they can.
Although some of life’s lessons are learned in the moment (“Don’t touch a hot stove”), others become apparent only after the fact (“Now I see why she was upset. I should have said something about her new dress”). Time travel allows us to pay for an experience once, and then have it again and again – learning new lessons with each repetition. When we are busy having experiences–herding children, signing checks, battling traffic–the dark network is silent, but as soon as those experiences are over, the network is awakened, and we begin moving across the landscape of our history to see what we can learn via time travel.
Animals learn by trial and error, and the smarter they are, the fewer trials they need. Traveling backward buys us many trials for the price of one, but traveling forward allows us to dispense with trials entirely. Just as pilots practice flying in flight simulators, the rest of us practice living in life simulators, and our ability to simulate future courses of action and preview their consequences enables us to learn from mistakes without making them.
We don’t need to bake a liver cupcake to find out that it is a stunningly bad idea; simply imagining it is punishment enough. The same is true for insulting the boss and misplacing the children. We may not heed the warnings that prospection provides, but at least we aren’t surprised when we wake up with a hangover or when our waists and our inseams swap sizes.
The dark network allows us to time travel into the future, but not just any future. When we contemplate futures that don’t include us–Will the NASDAQ be up next week? Will Hillary run again?–the dark network is quiet. Only when we move time travel does it come alive.
Perhaps the most startling fact about the dark network isn’t what it does but how often it does it. Neuroscientists refer to it as the brain’s default mode, which is to say that we spend more of our time away from the present than in it.
People typically overestimate how often they are in the moment because they rarely take notice when they take leave. It is only when the environment demands our attention–a dog barks, a child cries, a telephone rings–that our mental time machines switch themselves off and deposit us with a bump in the here and now. We stay just long enough to take a message and then we slip off again to time travel to the land of Elsewhen, our dark networks awash in light.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Brain Plasticity; A New Frontier For Education and Learning
Hello Neural Bloggers,
I wanted to simply point you in the direction of a company called Posit Science. They are a credible source for Neuroscience. Attached below is is an article about Dr. Norman Doidge's book and an interview with him on Brain Plasticity. I have been receiving their Newsletters for about 2 and half years and there is always some great tidbits or "odds and ends" that seem to continue to grow or evolve my own brain. I like that Dr Doidge focuses on the "work out" of the brain for better function and longevity. It complements Sport of Mind Institute; we focus on the biology of "Efficiency" and "Creation" of Your Identity.
Thought I would share.... Enjoy,
ps. for some encouragment and motivation listen to one of the very first "Train Your Brain to Create Your Identity" 90 Day Challenge - Graduate calls, go to: http://www.sportofmind.com/events.html and scroll to the bottom of page.
Dr. Norman Doidge is the author of the book The Brain That Changes Itself and in this book, he reveals a fascinating look at how the brain can literally re-wire itself throughout the lifespan, even into old age. He shows how the brain is “plastic” and can change at any age, based on the stimuli it is being given. The brain is no longer thought of as “fixed” or “unchanging”. You literally train it in everything you do during your daily life. This is the concept of “Neuroplasticity”.
Dr. Doidge researched this idea of “neuroplasticity” to find that miracles can and do occur as it relates to how the brain can function. Brains can be “re-wired” for success in school. It has been found that functioning can be restored in brains that have either declined because of old age or because of an injury to the brain. This is a fascinating new world to explore in the arena of human development and how people function in the world around them.
Dr. Doidge participated in an interview last spring on the topic of brain plasticity, which you can listen to online. Here are some of the discussion points from the interview:
I wanted to simply point you in the direction of a company called Posit Science. They are a credible source for Neuroscience. Attached below is is an article about Dr. Norman Doidge's book and an interview with him on Brain Plasticity. I have been receiving their Newsletters for about 2 and half years and there is always some great tidbits or "odds and ends" that seem to continue to grow or evolve my own brain. I like that Dr Doidge focuses on the "work out" of the brain for better function and longevity. It complements Sport of Mind Institute; we focus on the biology of "Efficiency" and "Creation" of Your Identity.
Thought I would share.... Enjoy,
ps. for some encouragment and motivation listen to one of the very first "Train Your Brain to Create Your Identity" 90 Day Challenge - Graduate calls, go to: http://www.sportofmind.com/events.html and scroll to the bottom of page.
Brain Plasticity: A New Frontier For Education and Learning
- November 11, 2010 by Carrie Gajowski
Dr. Doidge researched this idea of “neuroplasticity” to find that miracles can and do occur as it relates to how the brain can function. Brains can be “re-wired” for success in school. It has been found that functioning can be restored in brains that have either declined because of old age or because of an injury to the brain. This is a fascinating new world to explore in the arena of human development and how people function in the world around them.
Dr. Doidge participated in an interview last spring on the topic of brain plasticity, which you can listen to online. Here are some of the discussion points from the interview:
- Part One: The concept of brain plasticity, what it means and how it works.
- Part Two: How our brains learn, how technology plays a role in the learning process and how it affects our brain and brain development.
- Part Three: An exploration of communication and the roles of computers, text messages and email messages today, including an interesting discussion of how we tend to keep information on technology outside of ourselves, rather than inside our heads.
- Part Four: Who can benefit from the concept of brain plasticity and how can it help education today?
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Coach G - the student appears
I want to thank you for taking the time to put this together and share your experience with us.... Followers.. Enjoy this amazing story by Greg Romero. He is prooof in the pudding process that Neural Inculcation works and it works well.
I want to thank you for taking the time to put this together and share your experience with us.... Followers.. Enjoy this amazing story by Greg Romero. He is prooof in the pudding process that Neural Inculcation works and it works well.
I did a video testimonial but I figured I would type out the story for you all to read....
On November 6th I bought a plane ticket to go to this BMX event, the ABA Grand Nationals (year end final) where over 3000 unique participants congregate in Oklahoma for a very long weekend of BMX bicycle racing. Originally, I was scheduled to go there to represent a company that I am stakeholder in, talk about product, do presentations, etc. The owner of the company wanted to know if I was interested in racing the event. I hadn't competed in over 8 months, however I do ride from time to time. I told him I would think about it, "let me ride and assess" where I am at because I will be racing the Masters Pro Class called "Veteran Pro" and there will be some very fast guys in that class. Now don't get me wrong, I have won this event several times, so I understand what it takes to do so, I am not going into an event with unrealistic goals.
So I knew if I was going to race, I needed to have a goal and to me it had to be hard, yet realistic. For a minute, my first instinctive goal was "to have fun". But then I realized that was just some lame goal to protect myself from failure. During my thought process, I rewound back to a conversation I had with Justin Kosman one day as he spoke about Dr. Rob's theories on if you believe thats the best you can do, you're not going to do any better (or something to that effect). So then I decided well, I will go for the podium and I will be very happy with that. But then I also remembered Dr Rob's dialogue with Nikol and her belief and goal system on "how much money do you want to make?", and he said, only multi 6 figures? Why not a million? So I decided that I was going to win the event. Seriously, that is how I processed my belief and goal system for the event and here it is:
I typed this out on November 14th:
Because I am excited, in shape, and always do great, I will win the ABA Grands.
Because I am excited, in shape, and always do great, I will win the ABA Grands.
Because I am excited, in shape, and always do great, I will win the ABA Grands.
Because I am excited, in shape, and always do great, I will win the ABA Grands.
Because I am excited, in shape, and always do great, I will win the ABA Grands.
Because I am excited, in shape, and always do great, I will win the ABA Grands.
Because I am excited, in shape, and always do great, I will win the ABA Grands.
Because I am excited, in shape, and always do great, I will win the ABA Grands.
Because I am excited, in shape, and always do great, I will win the ABA Grands.
Because I am excited, in shape, and always do great, I will win the ABA Grands.
Because I am excited, in shape, and always do great, I will win the ABA Grands.
Because I am excited, in shape, and always do great, I will win the ABA Grands.
Because I am excited, in shape, and always do great, I will win the ABA Grands.
Because I am excited, in shape, and always do great, I will win the ABA Grands.
Because I am excited, in shape, and always do great, I will win the ABA Grands.
Because I am excited, in shape, and always do great, I will win the ABA Grands.
Because I am excited, in shape, and always do great, I will win the ABA Grands.
Because I am excited, in shape, and always do great, I will win the ABA Grands.
Because I am excited, in shape, and always do great, I will win the ABA Grands.
Yes that weekend was a real eye opener as I was able to get my mind right using the neural feedback techniques that I learned in an effort to keep the "inner tube" spaceship to keep flowing and going. I literally stared at a pillar near the starting gate to configure my mind to focus for the finals. So thank you guys for empowering me to do so. Also, I notice that this synergy of the belief system really came to life over the weekend event as just about anyone I encountered was encouraging, enthused and supportive of my racing, something that I really never had experienced before, it was really weird...but it was a microcosm of what is happening with my b&g below.
Dr. Rob, I found the video from the race ----> http://www.go211.com/u/abagrandnationals2010/videos/26250
Have a great day!
Greg Romero
2010 ABA Grand National Champion : ) LOL
Winning the race proved to be positive energy because after the event my coaching inquiries have doubled.... Participating fueled me further of reaching my goals...
Oh, by the way, I sold over 150 DVDs over the weekend! and today I shipping over 80 units that I have pre-sold!
Because I am dedicated and enthusiastic, my income will double or triple by 1/15/11 or sooner.
Because I am dedicated and enthusiastic, my income will double or triple by 1/15/11 or sooner.
Friday, November 26, 2010
A Recent Widow Sponsors a Veteran with PTSD to Receive Neurofeedback
Hello Friends,
I was contacted by a former Neurofeedback client's Wife who recently lost her husband due to many complicated health issues all the while suffering from PTSD. Her now deceased husband was a Veteran who served 20 plus years in the Marines. During his decline in health he received a year of Neurofeedback. She feels so strongly that Neurofeedback gave her husband so much value during this tough time that allowed them to enjoy their last year together filled with spirit and joy, that she now wants to give back by offering the availability for a Veteran who suffers from PTSD who normally wouldn't have the resources to receive the training.
Please refer a Veteran who suffers from PTSD who would be willing to receive the training 3-4 sessions a week in my Vista Office for 10 to 12 weeks. We would like to document the Veterans experience along the way so that the story can be shared with the public to help let the community know more about Neurofeedback and its benefits. drrob@sportofmind.com
Article below is from Siegried Othmer on Neurofeedback and PTSD.
- Siegfried Othmer, Ph.D.
Chief Scientist, The EEG Institute and President, Homecoming for Veterans
For more information on Siegfried Othmer please visit http://www.drothmer.com/
Such a functional decline may be difficult to admit to, but see if the story does not ring true. (And hang in there, because we have good news).
It is common to hear of difficulty with sleep. There may be difficulty falling asleep, or perhaps frequent waking, with a difficulty to fall back asleep. Sleep may not be restful, and may even be punctuated by events that seem like nightmares. If these so-called nightmares take you back to known events in the war zone, they are really flashbacks, not nightmares at all. Only these flashbacks happen to occur at night.
There may be problems with stability of mood - sudden flare-ups of anger.
There may be a generally greater level of irritability than before.
There may be swings of anxiety and depression.
There may be problems with memory, and cognitive functioning may require more efforting.
Things that you may have known about yourself from before the war are now there in spades: Attention problems; learning difficulties; short-term memory problems; relationship issues. If there were tics before, these may be worse. If there was a smoking habit before, it is now even more entrenched. And if there was a problem with drug taking, that too may be worse. If you had headaches before you went off to war, these may now be much worse, or more frequent. There may be other kinds of pain that were not there before, or they are simply worse now than before.
There may also be differences in how you relate to others. Your loved ones may be aware that you are now more remote, less accessible, less warm. Or things go in the other direction, where you become much more emotional than you used to be. Your emotions might also swing from one end of the pendulum to the other, and you may not feel in control at either end.
And now for the good news:
All of the above issues lie in the domain of brain function. They do not indicate, most likely, a structural problem in the brain that we have no choice but to live with. Such a structural problem cannot be ruled out in our discussion, obviously, but it is in fact unlikely. On the other hand, they also do not indicate a problem of the "mind," just in case you are starting to harbor some doubts about your own sanity. And in the event that an organic brain problem exists, that may be no barrier to recovery either.
Let us illustrate:
We worked with a veteran of WWII who had not slept well since the war. In just a few training sessions, his sleep was back to what it had been when he was a teenager in the forties. The capacity of recovery was never lost in his brain. His functional recovery was substantial and comprehensive, covering many symptoms. It did take a lot of training sessions in this case (68), because after half a century this man's brain had a lot of entrenched bad habits. But the training was clearly worth it.
The brain training that we are talking about is now called Neurofeedback. It used to be called EEG biofeedback. We changed it for two reasons. The first is that people tend to confuse biofeedback with things like biorhythms, and various unconventional techniques are now called biofeedback even though they don't fit the classic description. The second reason is that most people have pigeon-holed biofeedback as just relaxation training, with techniques such as hand-warming and the training of proper breathing.
Now hand-warming should not be trivialized, because a lot can be accomplished even with such a simple technique. And relaxation training should not be trivialized, either, nor should training in proper breathing. But things have gone a lot farther than that. It has all been about giving the brain better capacity to function. By now we know how to train the brain directly, and that just has a lot more relevance to the issues we are confronting. Now we look at the EEG itself, where we see the brain in the act of regulating its own behavior. And we have simply learned to recognize when the brain is going off-line or out of control. Whenever that begins to happen, we cue the brain to behave differently. We may give it a cue in the direction we would like it to go, or we may simply alert it to the fact that it is becoming disregulated. This simple procedure then allows the brain gradually to relearn good behavior.
This technique was first employed in the management of seizure disorders. Now you may not regard your own situation as being quite that serious. But you might also think that if we can take care of something as challenging as seizures, perhaps your condition can be helped as well. The technique has been further used with attention and behavior problems of children. Again, you may say that that is not relevant to your situation. But getting the brain to pay good attention to its own stuff may indeed be the issue! Most of what the brain does is worry about itself. If we can "fix" the problems of attending to the outside world, perhaps we are also attending to the problems of the inner machinery, the one that manages our moods and emotions and our readiness to function.
The technique has also been used for treating addictions. This is in fact where the story gets very close to home, because this work was first performed in a VA Hospital in Fort Lyon, CO. There a psychologist named Eugene Peniston was working for years with intractable alcoholic veterans. These were all highly functional people before Nam, and now could not stop drinking. One treatment program after another failed them. Obviously their alcoholism was a symptom of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). But that term did not exist yet at the time of the Vietnam War and for years thereafter. PTSD was not described as such until the eighties.
In his first controlled study Peniston found that adding Neurofeedback to the mix gave him 100% success in treatment. This was stunning, because the controls in that study, who received only the standard VA treatment program, all remained alcohol-dependent. The contrast could not have been greater, and these folks have now been sober for more than ten years (one has since succumbed to cirrhosis of the liver). Putting all the early studies together we obtained about 85% recovery in in-patient settings, about 75% in out-patient programs.
One of the criticisms leveled at Peniston after the first publication of his neurofeedback work is that he had not so much demonstrated a cure for alcoholism as that he had shown recovery from PTSD. Peniston thought, if that's the worst that could be said about his work, he would take that criticism! A remedy for PTSD in less than forty contact hours, where everything else had already failed? Not bad. In Peniston's studies, relief from PTSD symptoms and recovery from alcohol dependency was jointly observed. Of course this was not the worst judgment rendered against Peniston's work. Many still thought the results were too good to be true, and the method of achieving them entirely too unconventional.
As documented in published research, we now know how to remediate PTSD and drug addiction, and attention problems, and mood problems, and sleep problems, and pain syndromes such as migraine. Migraine is a particular success story. Just a few years ago a study was published that demonstrated some 95% recovery from migraine using biofeedback. (This was published in the Journal of Neurotherapy in 2005. The author was psychologist Jeff Carmen). The study covered 100 subjects. This is a level of success that was previously unheard of even in the field of biofeedback. This level of success is currently being matched with EEG Neurofeedback.
If neurofeedback is so wonderful, you might ask, why is it you have not heard of it? The big reason is that neurofeedback is not a drug! So it is not written about in the medical journals. Biofeedback and neurofeedback fall more into the domain of psychology. And thousands of psychologists are using biofeedback, including neurofeedback. But it is still taking a while to catch on. That's the nature of any major breakthrough in the health field. It takes time for a revolution in thinking to take hold.
Testing is conventionally done ahead of time to test your vigilance and attentional skills. This tells us how to adjust the training for your brain. From that time forward, we take into account how you react to the training: alertness, pain, moods, how well you sleep, etc. Then we retest after training some twenty to forty sessions, and compare to the earlier benchmark. EEG measurements may also be made. Training is usually done in twenty-session blocks until resolution of symptoms is obtained. It is our estimate that 85% of veterans should reach their training goals in forty sessions or less. Meeting training goals means recovery of function to at least 85% of pre-war functioning. (In our greatest success story so far, a Vietnam veterans reduced his PTSD symptoms by over 90% in only eighteen sessions.) Since this is a brain-training procedure rather than merely a program of recovery, we expect that many veterans will end up functioning better than they ever have before.
The second aspect of the work addresses the more psychological aspects of the war-time experience. You may also have come away with visual memories that you wish you had never had. There may have been periods of intense fear, or of a sudden confrontation with death, or perhaps you experienced the death of members of your unit. Our bodies are geared toward registering life-threatening events in perpetuity. At the biological level, that educates the fear response. At the psychological level, we register these as traumas. In the trauma experience, these two realms become intimately coupled. When these events are re-awakened in the brain, they are often fully re-experienced. It is therefore a matter of training the brain so that these events become part of your normal memory, recallable at any time but not having you in their grip.
The second kind of training takes your brain to a benign state of inward orientation. If a traumatized individual enters such states, the traumatic memories are quite likely to surface. But they can be well managed in this state, so the body learns to accommodate these memories without upset. The entire relationship to your past will be altered. The memories are by no means erased. They just lose the power over the rest of your life. If this kind of training is indicated for you, then the first kind of training above will not be enough by itself. Most likely, some symptoms or other will just crop up again later unless the second kind of training is undertaken also, or an equivalent alternative is pursued. This second approach may be referred to variously as "deep-state" training, or "alpha-theta" training, again referring to EEG frequencies.
And what about those cases in which there has been real injury to the brain? We have worked with a great variety of cases of traumatic brain injury over the years. The existence of an organic locus of injury tends to focus the attention there, and also has the effect of lowering our expectations for recovery. The good news, however, is that most of the consequences of traumatic brain injury are not directly traceable to that organic injuryhowever, is that most of the consequences of traumatic brain injury are not directly traceable to that organic injury, or to the locus of that injury. They are in fact the usual symptoms seen in many head injured folks, regardless of whether there is organic structural injury, and irrespective of where it is. These are the symptoms of head pain, first of all, plus mood disregulation, anxiety and depression, effort fatigue, energy level, vision problems, planning and executive function deficits, memory problems, motor control deficits, and problems with working memory and cognitive function. This general quality of brain injury symptoms has been known since German soldiers were studied after they came back from WWI.
These symptoms are largely the rogue's gallery already referred to as being responsive to Neurofeedback. We can help here just about as well as in cases where no locus of injury has been identified. This again is due to the fact that the entirety of the neural networks involved in neuro-regulation have been altered in their function. It's not just about the place that was injured in the brain.
We see the effects of this in the EEG in most cases. The EEG will exhibit sudden changes even when you are sitting in a chair resting. That documents the brain's propensity to be unstable. And that for us represents a target for training through feedback. We also divide the EEG into its various frequencies, each of which has its own functional implications. Training some of these frequencies can be seen by analogy to putting the brain on a stair stepper. This is nothing more than an exercise. We push the brain (through feedback); it pushes back. We push it again; it pushes back again. Eventually this strengthens the brain's internal machinery of regulation.
And if all of this doesn't work? In the worst case, we will have wasted your time and some trips to the office. But if we cannot help you that will be obvious fairly early in the training. We usually expect to see some direct benefit of the training even after the first few sessions. If that is not the case, we are not inclined to stretch out the process and waste people's time. (It is prudent to issue this kind of disclaimer, since we can never know what the next case may bring. But in our experience we have been able to help every veteran to the point where they were grateful for the changes they were seeing.) The clinician may have some other alternatives to discuss with you, which you may want to consider. There are in fact quite a few different ways in which the brain can be coaxed or coached to behave better. Usually clinicians handle only one or two of these, but some have all the hardware options under one roof. Each of these options has at least one website attached to it, so you can check them all out.
And now we have a remedy that lies entirely in your own hands: Just Train Your Brain.
Night terrors (unremembered; can't be awakened out of the state)
Apparent nightmares
Unrestful sleep
Seizures that were not there before
Mood swings
Emotional numbing and withdrawal
Increased use of licit and illicit drugs
Anxiety and Depression phenomena
Worsening of symptoms of asthma, allergies, tics
Cognitive deficits
Short-term memory deficits
Slowness of thought
Heightened visual or auditory sensitivity
Racing thoughts
Blanking out; spacing out
Exaggerated Startle Response
Inability to plan activities
Increased migraine incidence; worsened migraine severity
Increased pain syndromes
Tremors; poor motor control
Dizziness or vertigo
This sober appraisal appears in an article by Scott Shane of the New York Times. About one soldier in six is reporting anxiety, depression, or symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. With a total number of soldiers having served in Iraq or Afghanistan now numbering about one million, perhaps as many as 100,000 soldiers will require long-term mental health care. However, post-traumatic stress disorder may not surface until months after the return from combat duty and many soldiers or veterans are too proud to admit that they might have mental issues so they try to deal with it themselves. This delay can worsen the symptoms and make the recovery period even longer.
One platoon leader in Iraq, a Mr. Rieckoff, said that he never encountered a combat stress control unit while in Iraq. This suggests that the Armed Forces are not taking mental health concerns seriously, since much is known about how combat stress can be dealt with before the accumulation of unrelieved stress ultimately causes the soldier to burn through his resources.
Neurofeedback is essentially the only available remedy for the lingering symptoms of traumatic brain injury. And it is a remedy because the deficits in TBI lie largely in the functional realm. Blast injury, concussion, or whiplash may not leave much obvious physical evidence of injury, but the loss of function may be considerable. And it may well linger over the long term. Much of this functional loss can be recovered quickly, which is to say within twenty to forty brain training sessions. Research has shown that MTBI symptom recovery by an average of 85% with respect to pre-injury levels of function within an average of about 30 training sessions. Newer methods promise even better and faster results. A trainee should know within four to six sessions that he is being significantly helped. Most likely, he will know it after only one training session.
Ongoing research is finding subtle organic injury within the brain even for blast exposure where none had been expected. The good news is that these findings helped to put blast injury on the agenda as a problem that needed to be acknowledged. Perversely, however, it also increased skepticism as to the remedies that might be brought to bear. The answer, however, is already in hand: it is neurofeedback. Good brain function is possible even in the face of distributed small-scale lesions within the brain. And even if brain function cannot be fully recovered, successful brain training for a good quality of life is still in prospect.
Many of the self-regulation skills that the veteran will learn during this training will be useful over the rest of life. Eventually all this will be taught to every school child. But first things first.
- Siegfried Othmer, Ph.D.
Chief Scientist, The EEG Institute and President, Homecoming for Veterans
For more information on Siegfried Othmer please visit http://www.drothmer.com/
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
The PRE-Frontal Lobes - Home of the ADHD
Based on "An Introduction to PreFrontal Nudity" by Alex Korb
The brain exposed.
Published on 11-20-10
The prefrontal cortex sits curled up behind your forehead, and monitors your actions like an overprotective mother. Don't run with scissors. Don't eat the whole box of thin mints. Don't jump off the roof into a dumpster.
It busies itself with impulse control, making sure we don't do every crazy thing that pops into our heads. Unlike most other animals which survive on reflex, our brains have evolved to plan ahead, allowing us to change our behavior based on the calculated consequences of our actions. These calculations occur in the prefrontal cortex, which evaluates potential behaviors, and vetoes the ones with negative outcomes. Interestingly, the prefrontal cortex doesn't so much ensure that we do the right thing, but rather makes sure we don't do the wrong thing (n.b. make note of the distinction as it can lead to problems in itself). In short the prefrontal cortex has evolved to say "No."
The prefrontal cortex is the newest development in the evolution of the brain (if you believe in stuff like evolution). It's very fashionable these days, all your favorite mammals have one. An advanced subdivision of the neocortex, which is itself the most advanced processor of the brain, it is most highly developed in dolphins, monkeys, chimps, and humans. Lizards, geckos, dinosaurs, eagles only have/had a brain stem and other structures that lie buried deep in our own brain. The reason these reptilian structures lie buried inside us is because once mammals came along, we laid down more processing power on top of the archaic hardware. The newer processing power comes from the neocortex, which covers the surface of the brain, and causes our brains to wrinkle and fold like the backside of a newborn Benjamin Button.
As humans evolved from lower animals the front part of the neocortex (frontal cortex) began to blossom. Once evolution reached monkeys and chimps, the leading edge of the frontal cortex (the prefrontal cortex) mushroomed even more to become the monstrosity it is today. In fact the prefrontal cortex may be too big for our own good, sometimes causing unnecessary anxiety and getting in the way of our happiness.
The prefrontal cortex makes us each unique. Emotion, belief, motivation and behaviors are all influenced by activity in the prefrontal cortex. As a neuroscientist I've studied how the roots of depression can largely be attributed to erroneous prefrontal processing. It can pay particular attention to all the bad things in life and ignore the good, making people feel sad and helpless. As a coach I've informally, but more practically, examined the effects of belief, practiced behaviors, and motivation on athletic performance. The prefrontal cortex might be the reason Kobe misses an important free throw, even though he's practiced it thousands of times (ok, bad example, Kobe would never miss a clutch free throw).
As I try to get through my 201 emails and tedious paperwork, I sit here and write this blog instead. This state of procrastinate keeps me from keeping me from working in my business not just on my business.
Neuroscience has the answers to many ailments and has very interesting facts and theories you can learn to heal and help yourself. Neuroscience can directly apply to living a life full of happiness and free of anxiety all the way to constructing new powerful beliefs that are at the source of all your Automatic Thoughts.
Pretty Cool Stuff,
Now Go Create Your Identity,
Dr Rob
As humans evolved from lower animals the front part of the neocortex (frontal cortex) began to blossom. Once evolution reached monkeys and chimps, the leading edge of the frontal cortex (the prefrontal cortex) mushroomed even more to become the monstrosity it is today. In fact the prefrontal cortex may be too big for our own good, sometimes causing unnecessary anxiety and getting in the way of our happiness.
The prefrontal cortex makes us each unique. Emotion, belief, motivation and behaviors are all influenced by activity in the prefrontal cortex. As a neuroscientist I've studied how the roots of depression can largely be attributed to erroneous prefrontal processing. It can pay particular attention to all the bad things in life and ignore the good, making people feel sad and helpless. As a coach I've informally, but more practically, examined the effects of belief, practiced behaviors, and motivation on athletic performance. The prefrontal cortex might be the reason Kobe misses an important free throw, even though he's practiced it thousands of times (ok, bad example, Kobe would never miss a clutch free throw).
As I try to get through my 201 emails and tedious paperwork, I sit here and write this blog instead. This state of procrastinate keeps me from keeping me from working in my business not just on my business.
Neuroscience has the answers to many ailments and has very interesting facts and theories you can learn to heal and help yourself. Neuroscience can directly apply to living a life full of happiness and free of anxiety all the way to constructing new powerful beliefs that are at the source of all your Automatic Thoughts.
Pretty Cool Stuff,
Now Go Create Your Identity,
Dr Rob
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Set yoUR Thermostat
The Thermostat
Reticular Activating System (RAS)
– It stands guard at the doorway of your mind, sorting through the torrent of incoming information and searching for those specific bits that best match those information patterns already established in your brain
– It sends important signals to your brain alerting you to pay attention
– Use it to our advantage. Program it to look out the real important things you want in life.
– It scans 400 billion bits of information a second.
– If you tell it to look for something important such a police car when driving or your child’s cry in a playground it is on a mission.
– What do you want on your important list?
Three Foot Putts
Three Foot Putts and The Pre-frontal Cortex
What part of the brain misses the three footers in golf?
Published 11-20-10
Stewart Cink stepped up to take make a 3-4 foot putt on the last whole of the US Open Golf Championship to force a playoff and have a chance at one of the most prestigeous tournaments of the year. This is a career changing win when it comes to fan base and endorsements. As he watched the ball sail away past the cup he started contemplating the enormity of his failure. He was eliminated from the playoffs and would have to wait another day, if that day ever comes again, for a shot at the title.
Cink had made that putt thousands of times in his life. Ever since he was a boy he had probably practiced making 100's of them in a row as he secretly said to himself... "this is for the US Open". Why would he miss it at this crucial point, with the whole world watching and the hopes of a lifelong dream coming true? It is likely that his pre-frontal cortex got in the way.
This positing is based on the Article written by Alex Korb in Psychology Today.
The Pre-frontal Cortex is the pinnacle of brain evolution. It can basically look forward in time, and decide what actions to take. Without using his pre-frontal Cortex young Stewart would not have been able to look into the future and decide to start training for the professional tour in the first place. The Pre-frontal Cortex is great for long-term goals, to make yourself do something from which you get no immediate benefit: waking up at 6AM to go running, skipping dessert, enduring the tedius of hours and hours of hitting balls on the range and practicing 3 foot putts. It comes with a cost.
The Pre-frontal Cortex is the pinnacle of brain evolution. It can basically look forward in time, and decide what actions to take. Without using his pre-frontal Cortex young Stewart would not have been able to look into the future and decide to start training for the professional tour in the first place. The Pre-frontal Cortex is great for long-term goals, to make yourself do something from which you get no immediate benefit: waking up at 6AM to go running, skipping dessert, enduring the tedius of hours and hours of hitting balls on the range and practicing 3 foot putts. It comes with a cost.
While most brain areas live fully present in the moment, the Pre-frontal Cortex is painfully aware of the consequences of your actions. It has many connections to the emotional areas of the brain, and is thus influenced by the joy of anticipated victory or the agony of foreseen defeat. On the one hand the pre-frontal cortex can plan what to wear to the victory parade, and decide which supermodel to bring to which club. On the other hand it can also envision a life of devastation without fulfilling your dream.. It can make a hell of heaven or a heaven of hell, but it cannot make a Three Foot Putt.
The part of brain directly responsible for hitting the golf ball is the small central strip on the top called the primary motor cortex. The primary motor cortex sends specific instructions to muscles where to move and how much. It's part of the frontal lobe, but not far forward enough to be pre-frontal. The primary motor cortex contains a representation of every muscle in the body. It acts like a voodoo doll: a little poke elicits a twitch from the corresponding area of the body. The primary motor cortex gets input from the supplementary motor area, which lies in front, but not quite pre-frontal. The Supplementary Motor area works a little more abstractly, planning specific movements, getting prepared for what to do. The Supplementary motor area gets input from the Pre-frontal Cortex. Thus the Pre-frontal Cortex decides what to do, and then delegates to the Supplementary Motor Area and Primary Motor Context to do it. (Wow, that is alot! Neurofeedback can help this process along more efficiently)
The Supplementary motor areas and Primary Motor cortex and all the unconscious motor areas of the brain (like the basal ganglia and cerebellum) know exactly how to make a three foot putt just like he practiced it for thousands and thousands of hours since he was 6 years old. He doesn't need conscious intervention from the Pre-frontal Cortex. All the Pre-frontal Cortex has to do is say where it wants the ball to go, and how hard. Unfortunately the Pre-frontal Cortex is distracted by the possibility of lucrative endorsements or perhaps too concerned with breaking the hearts of his loved supporters. The Pre-frontal Cortex thinks about rolling the ball a bit to the right because there is just a little bit of break in the putt. Then he thinks well maybe the grain of the green or doubt about reading the green is wrong. So it thinks about putting it straight, but knows that the last time he had this put it broke just a little. It can see all the negative consequences and thus leaves itself without any good options, and also leaves the Supplementary Motor Cortex and the Primary Motor Cortex without clear instructions. Great athletes are able to silence their Pre-frontal Cortex under pressure, and just live in the moment, but even the best can't do it all the time (e.g. Kobe Bryant's terrible game 7 against the Celtics this past June2010).
Stewart Cink had an opportunity for glory, but he also (like the rest of us) had a pre-frontal cortex capable of getting in the way. Unfortunately for him the part of the brain responsible for stroking that putt doesn't care about winning or trophies or pride. It doesn't even care about disgrace or embarrassment. It just kicks the ball. So how can you make a three foot putt with the whole world watching, and your whole future sitting 3 feet in front of you? You just do it. Though, that's easier for you to say than for you to do.
That is where the rehearsal comes into play... Visualization Creates Reality. Look for the VCR Blog coming soon.
dr rob
Identify Experience and Learn to Manage Oneself
According to one of Harvard’s Top 10 articles from the last century, “Managing Oneself,” written by the late Peter F. Drucker:
“Success in the knowledge economy comes to those who know themselves – their strengths, their values and how they best perform. History’s Great Achiever’s – A Napoleon, a daVinci, a Mozart – have always managed themselves. That, in large measure, is what makes them great achievers. But they are rare exceptions, so unusual both in their talents and their accomplishments as to be considered outside the boundaries of ordinary human existence. Now, most of us, even those of us with modest endowments, will have to learn to manage ourselves.”
Do people really change or is it that people, having been diverted in life, simply remember who they once were or who they were really supposed to be? As a coach, I have often pondered this question, introspectively and with colleagues, clients, friends and family.
What do you think?
How do you think?Take the Mindscan (Hartman Value Profile) to find out. The most accurate profile that I know of and the only one that measures your "Values" or "Beliefs"
Ask Dr Rob for the Mindscan Special....
Friday, November 19, 2010
Re-Creation If it's not fun, you won't do it!
RePlan yourself for Success.
You have Planned your nonconscious brain proactively or reactively to exactly what you want so now you need to rePlan it so that you will automatically create the results in your life you always wanted.
Here is a scientifically proven Plan that can be done only 5 minutes a day.
Neuroplasticity simply states that your brain is always able to grow, evolve or change. You can teach an old dog new tricks….. Guaranteed!
We have 65,000 thoughts per day. 95% of those thoughts are the same thoughts we had the previous day. That means we are creatures of habit. Research shows, that those who participate in a “daily” routine are many times more likely to stay on their Plan than those who participate less than seven days a week. So we created a system that will guarantee the growth of new neuron pathways in your brain that will soon become the predominant belief and then automatically create new actions and results. The Results you want!!!!
Right now you have habits and/or beliefs that keep you from your IDEAL life. We need to proactively Plan it. You will never be able to make long lasting change until you change your belief system. This Plan starts at the seed level of creating new habits that work for you verses chiseling away at the top of the iceberg thinking you are making a difference to the whole Iceberg..
The mind takes 7 days to create a new connection in the brain. It takes 28-32 days to create long lasting change and it takes 90 days to create a super pathway or what we call a new habit.
It is not magic but feels like it.
Follow these easy steps on a daily basis to Your Ideal Life!!
This Plan is quick and simple, just 5 minutes a day to a new you.
Dr Rob
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